Library Programs Coordinator

Closing Date
Contact Officer
Jordan Phillips
Contact Number
08 8950 0551
Alice Springs Town Council, NT



Library Programs Coordinator

Closes: Sept 13, 2024, 11:30pm
Position Number: P2336
Contact: Jordan Phillips 08 8950 0551
Salary: Level 5.1 (MO) $92,783.52 p/a exclusive of superannuation plus district allowance - $ 2611 w/ dependents, $1498 w/o dependents on pro-rata basis

Permanent Full-time

  • Peak local Coun­cil and com­mu­ni­ty leader for Cen­tral Australia
  • Part of a dynam­ic and future focused community
  • Key role sup­port­ing the smart and effi­cient run­ning of Council

About Alice Springs Town Council

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil is locat­ed in the heart and soul of Cen­tral Aus­tralia, fond­ly known as the Red Centre.

Our Vision is of a brighter future, a pros­per­ous and cohe­sive community.

The Oppor­tu­ni­ty

We seek a Library Pro­grams Coor­di­na­tor who will be locat­ed at the Alice Springs Pub­lic Library and with­in the Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Direc­torate, the posi­tion is an inte­gral part of the library team. With a focus on lit­er­a­cy and life-long learn­ing, devel­op and coor­di­nate the deliv­ery of qual­i­ty dis­plays, pro­grams, activ­i­ties, train­ing ses­sions and events for library patrons that meet wider com­mu­ni­ty expec­ta­tions and the Aus­tralian Library and Infor­ma­tion Asso­ci­a­tion (ALIA) guide­lines. Demon­strate a social­ly inclu­sive com­mu­ni­ty focus by pro­vid­ing effec­tive, effi­cient cus­tomer ser­vice to the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty and all library users as a whole.

Your respon­si­bil­i­ties will be include but not lim­it­ed to pro­mote the ALIA Prin­ci­ples and Objec­tives; sup­port­ing lit­er­a­cy, life­long learn­ing, arts, cul­ture and local her­itage, work with­in defined bud­getary, devel­op and imple­ment impact eval­u­a­tion mea­sures for library pro­grams and ser­vices to ensure ongo­ing rel­e­vance, val­ue and qual­i­ty. Pro­vide con­sid­ered advice to library man­age­ment to enable the deliv­ery of evi­dence based, inno­v­a­tive library projects and ser­vices, coor­di­nate and pro­vide guid­ance to oth­er mem­bers of the library team to deliv­er excel­lence in library pro­gram­ming and services.

What will you get from join­ing the team?

  • Attrac­tive salary of $92,783.52 exclu­sive of superannuation.
  • Dis­trict allowance — $ 2611 w/​dependents, $1498 w/​o depen­dents on pro-rata basis.
  • 6 weeks annu­al leave with addi­tion­al gen­er­ous leave enti­tle­ments (annu­al leave is paid at the employee’s ordi­nary hourly rate togeth­er with a leave load­ing of 17.5%.) + 3 weeks per­son­al leave + long ser­vice leave.

Position Description: PDF, 1.4 MB P2336 Library Programs Coordinator

How to Apply